Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Sisters Together- by Sadie Kiel

     Lizzy, Sadie, and Katy. We were meant to be. 3 different girls, 3 different places, but the same wish. To start off the blog, I decided to write a post about how the Nature Sisters came to be. 
     I, Sadie Kiel, was from Memphis, Tennessee. I lived with Brother Ben, Mama Meggan, Daddy Daniel, and 4 pets: Toby the dog, Plush the guinea pig, Frances the frog, and Frelina the frog. You can already see that I loved animals. And I mean LOVED animals! I'd always been an animal lover, but when I joined my family on a 5 month trip to South Africa, when I saw SO MANY spectacular animals, my animal personality really got to shine. My three favorite animal friends were: Jack the giraffe that playfully kicked me (it didn't hurt too badly), Granny the kudu that I fed, and Napolean the lion cub that I played with (he was tame). Ever since, I've been big into animals. I wanted to be with animals and nature my whole life, and I wanted someone who was interested in exploring wild animals with me. 
Sadie is hanging out with Taba the South African elephant!

     Elizabeth (Lizzy) Merilyn was an only child. She lived with Mom Margot, Dad Davis, Granny Bella, Grampie Norman, and 2 dogs named Fiesta and Frisky. She lived in New York City, and didn't get to see wild animals besides birds, squirrels, raccoons, etc. until she was 14. It was a school trip to Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, and Lizzy immediately fell in love with hiking, climbing, and especially animals. "There were bison, there were bears, and, cutest of all, prarie dogs!" she told me. "It was the time of my life!" When she came back, she just KNEW that nature was her thing. She, too,  was on the search for someone to be a nature girl with her. 

Lizzy (2nd from the left) is on her thrilling Yellowstone trip!

     Katy Biggs was different from the others. She was with animals all her life. She lived in Bangor, Maine on a farm with Mommy Kassie, Daddy Jacob, Sister Lainey, and a kitten named Maisey. She was home schooled by her mother in the sheep field. She loved to help out with the baby cows, sheep, chickens, pigs, and horses. But farm animals were not enough for adventurous Katy. When she was 12 and Lainey was 9, they went camping in a reserve near Bangor. Lainey was not a fan of being in the wild all day, but Katy was having a blast! She told me, "I had a bunch of close encounters with moose, and I loved not knowing what was coming next! It was the best feeling just knowing that I could run into a moose just around the corner!" She was always a nature person, and she was also a friends person. She wanted a friend who would be adventurous and explore the animals and nature of the world with her!
Katy (left) is helping her mom on their awesome farm!

     Then, in the summer of 2015, Sadie, Lizzy, and Katy were all on a summer trip to Glacier National Park. They were all hiking the same trail, so they said hi and got to know each other. By the end of the trail, they were already the best of friends! The Nature Sisters were together at last!


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